Special Events at Analemma

Debuting for 2025, enjoy highly personalized service with the Analemma Estate all to yourself. Savor wines grown and produced from our estate and culinary offerings expertly crafted onsite with ingredients from farmers and fisherpeople we know and love.

Meet your hosts
Let us be your ambassadors in the Columbia Gorge

Culinary Experiences

Our passion for Slow Food + Wine brought to life,
exploring the flavors of the Mosier Hills and Columbia Gorge.

Both of our culinary experiences include personalized wine selections
for your group to be featured in a Welcome Wine Bar.

Signature Experiences:

Five Course Food & Wine Dinner

Private Estate Welcome Reception


Experience the Analemma estate in a private setting all to yourself during the months of June through September.
To immerse your group in the most intimate setting our maximum capacity is 30 guests.

Please inquire for details.

If you would like to have a conversation about the possibilities, please fill out the contact form
below and a member of our team will be in touch within three business days.